Jungle Realm

It was like Charlie Brown had entered a completely different realm. Streams of morning sunshine crept through the gaps in the jungle canopy, creating an overhead mosaic of gold and green. What little light that penetrated into the lower reaches of the forest lit up patches of the jungle floor revealing the myriad colours that otherwise lay unseen. The bright greens of ferns and moss, the browns of the leaf litter as well as the whites, lilacs and reds of jungle flowers glowed as they were bathed in the morning light. The silent explosions of colour as kaleidoscopes of bluebottle and tree nymph butterflies scattered into the air were the final touches that transformed the scene into one from a Tolkien novel.

The Importance of Fighting to Preserve Wilderness

Save the wild to save the world.

Mark All My Words

by Mark Miles

Whether we realize it or not, wilderness is essential to all of our lives. A short list of the major ecological services provided by wilderness includes the following: 1) regulating climate by sequestering carbon, 2) retaining topsoil through expansion of root networks, 3) preserving biodiversity by providing habitat and food sources for endemic species, 4) filtering watersheds through microorganismal and vegetal communities, 5) purifying air through respiration and storage of pollutants, and 6) supporting indigenous communities who depend on the land for the necessities of life. And best of all, these essential services are provided to us free of charge.

By contrast, if tech industries were to attempt to fulfill the same ecological services provided for free by wilderness, the cost could very easily surpass the national deficit on a monthly basis. In short, wilderness is doing all of us a favor merely by existing. Needless to…

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